I am passionate about the outdoors, nature,
wildlife...I love the woods and anything in it and I feel very fortunate to
live in an area where we have an abundance of it! When I got my first camera for Christmas, (just a few years ago..NOT!) I knew I had an
interest in photography. I always liked
it, but just didn’t use my camera all that much. Then one year I bought a bigger camera, and
with winter just starting...I set up a bird feeder, sat at my window and took a
lot of photos of birds. Then I would put
them in the computer and "process" them. That is how I learned! Not to mention a good friend (a fantastic photographer) who was very
instrumental in helping me get started on this never-ending road of
learning! That is Al Meadows and I know
we all wish we could get him to our photoclub sometime! I can't thank him enough for all the help he
has given me over the years!
One of my first happenings at my window was a fox
that decided to run into my yard and attack the birds. I was sitting there with my camera in my hand
and I just started snapping. I was
hooked and have not looked back! As the
saying goes, "you never know what you might see"! So why not try and capture those images?? It has opened up a whole new world for
me. Just being able to photograph wild
animals, birds, landscapes, and night photography has been more than I had even
hoped for. (Just don't ask me to
photograph people!)
With the start-up of our photoclub things only
got better. That brought more learning,
photography outings and many wonderful new friends, friends of which I just
can't say enough good things about. (Aren't we lucky to have such a fantastic
I've also thought many times that I now have all
the equipment I need, (happy husband about that!) but then I get
GAS..."gadget aquisition syndrome"!
Thank goodness for a supportive husband!
And...wonderful non-photographer friends who understand it when I say,
"STOP...I need to take a picture of that"!
Happy New Year dear friends and may your year be
filled with many wonderful photos!