Welcome to the Northwood's Shutterbug Photo Club located in International Falls, MN. We are a group of local photography enthusiast, that enjoy the art of photography. We strive to learn new techniques and explore new subjects. We meet the third Wednesday of the month in the basement of the Falls Library at 6:00 PM. We welcome new members who want to join in the fun of learning this great hobby.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Featured Photographer

Lori Dobbs - Hobbyist Photographer

From the time I was quite young, I've always had a fascination with the camera.  I loved hearing the sound of the shutter and looking through the viewfinder.  I can remember the thrill, as a young teenager, getting my very own Kodak camera, and how it seemed like forever to get your pictures back from the developer.   My, how cameras have changed!  It's been about four years now since my sweet husband surprised me with a Canon 50D for Christmas, along with two lenses, filters, and a camera bag.  Since then, I've really started to pursue this passion of photography.  
I really enjoy the area of nature and landscape photography the most, along with local sports shooting, but have also done a few graduation photos, weddings, and night shooting.  I was thrilled when one of the photos I submitted to the WDIO-TV 2014 weather calendar was selected and used on the front cover.   It's pretty neat to see a photo you have taken in some form of print, other than on your own computer screen. 

The photos I chose to display on this month's blog, are a mix of some recently shot and some that are a few years old.  The fox was one of hundreds I was able to take, while watching this den that was in my brother-in-law's wood pile.  The red squirrel and Big Fork River photos were just taken a few weeks ago, along with the bog walk photo that was taken in Orr.  I also LOVE old buildings/barns and can't resist stopping to photograph them when I have the chance.  Many of you may recognize the old home that sits along Highway 6 going to Deer River, and of course, over the years our population of eagles have increased, making more opportunities to photograph these beautiful birds.  

One of the best things about pursuing my passion in photography, has been the new friends I have made through our local photography club.  Everyone has shared their knowledge with one another, their frustrations, and their achievements; they're just a great group of individuals who have taught me so much. 

If you have an interest in photography, please feel free to meet with us at the library every third Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the down-stairs meeting room.  There are no member fees and no pressure to commit to anything.  We are just a group of people who all enjoy photography, and want to learn more about our cameras and taking better photos.   If you'd like more information, please feel free to give me a call at 218-278-4244.  Come, meet new friends and learn with us!  As my father-in-law, Elmer says, "You'll never learn any younger."  Happy shooting!!!

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